Sunday, September 21, 2008

papa's home

so, Papa's home from Yakima, Washington. He's my Great Grandpa Jesse's son. Papa's my grandpa, but I wasn't able to pronounce it when I was little. Anyways, he's home and he's great. He had an absess on his colon when he was in Yakima, so he was back there longer than he should have been to have surgery, but he's doing great. Jesse's funeral went okay. Papa, his sister Connie, and his brothers David and Gary, and Uncle all got flags from the funeral, and they did the guard post. Guard post is where seven gunmen shoot a rifle three times. Jesse was in the Military when he was younger, so that's why they did guard post.

i saw my Aunt Terry today. She lives in a convalescent home because we're unable to take care of her, and she can't do anything by herself. She's in a bed all day, so she's pretty much dependent on everyone. She's doing really great, though. So, I guess I should go. I'll probably post again later tonight, but I can't promise it.

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