Friday, April 24, 2009

bored as a penguin in the desert

that's how bored I am. It's 1:06 AM right now and there's nothing to do. I'm watching GEORGE LOPEZ on NICK @ NITE at the moment. So, how many of you have heard ASHLEY TISDALE'S new single ITS ALRIGHT ITS OKAY? Oh my gosh, I love it! I already have it down word for word. It's amazing. She's really come a long way. I'm so proud of her. She has amazing success. Would you believe her manager BILL PERLMAN discovered her at the MONMOUTH MALL in NEW JERSEY? She was just three years old, being pushed around in a carriage by her mother. Her story's really quite amazing. And, she's the only celebrity ever discovered that way, believe me lol. Alrighty. Well, I guess there's nothing else to say. Oh! The batteries in my camera died, so I can't post those pictures I promised just yet. I'll get them up sooner or later, though.

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